A few weeks ago, we made the decision to explore the local nature in Essen with my son Dimitri and his friend Luc, capturing the beauty through my camera lens. While Dimitri and Luc were no strangers to capturing the mesmerizing world of local wildlife and birds, it was a brand-new experience for me.
We opted to visit a photo hideout, a place where you can quietly observe and photograph the wonders of nature without disturbing its inhabitants. Located in Essen, this photo hideout provided us with an excellent opportunity to capture some of the most fascinating residents of the region.
It was a reasonably beautiful day, but the chill in the air was palpable. Fortunately, I had a cosy blanket with me to ward off the cold. Nevertheless, the prospect of observing and capturing the local fauna kept us motivated.
Armed with my Nikon Z50 and a Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 Sport Lens on an Nikon FTZ II Adapter , we ventured into the photo hideout, ready to document nature in all its glory. Drawing from their experience, Dimitri and Luc shared valuable tips on focusing techniques and ideal settings for this specific environment.
Throughout the day, we were fortunate to capture some impressive moments. A majestic hawk soared through the sky, and to our delight, it landed on the ground to feast on its prey. The sight of the hawk enjoying its meal added a unique and thrilling element to our nature adventure.
Not long after, a buzzard joined the scene, descending to partake in the feast. The sight of these magnificent birds sharing the spoils of their hunt was a captivating and rare occurrence, and we were grateful to witness it.
In addition to the birds of prey, we also observed a lively robin flitting around in search of food and the vivid spectacle of a Eurasian Jay darting through the trees and ground.
In addition to capturing photos, we recorded videos to document the natural movements and sounds of these beautiful creatures. It was amazing to see them behave undisturbed, knowing they were safe from our curious gazes.
Despite the cold, it was an unforgettable experience that only deepened my love for photography and nature. I am grateful to have shared this day with my son and his friend, who introduced me to the world of nature photography. The photos and memories we captured, including the dynamic interaction between the hawk and the buzzard, will hold a special place in my photography adventures.
With my camera in hand and the beautiful nature surrounding me, I eagerly anticipate more moments like these, captured through the lens of my Nikon Z50 and the powerful Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 Sport Lens. The local wilderness of Essen has gifted us a day full of wonder, and I can't wait to discover and capture more of these treasures in the future.
Equipment used for this shoot: